Welcome to Polo Faith United Methodist Church

Loving, Growing, Serving in Faith

Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM.

As a congregation we are committed to Loving, Growing, and Serving in Faith. We live out this mission by:

Loving in Faith
 We are striving to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
 We express our love of God through worship and prayer.
 We are also striving to love our fellow humans as ourself.
 We express our love of others through hospitality and fellowship.
 We express our love of others by caring for them and praying for them.
Growing in Faith
 We are striving to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.
 We grow as disciples by reading and studying Scripture.
 We grow as disciples by questioning and learning about the Christian
Faith in Sunday School and other small groups.
 We grow as disciples through weekly worship services and preaching.
Serving in Faith
 We are striving to serve each other and the world in the way God has
called us to serve.
 We serve in faith through local mission projects in Polo.
 We serve in faith through donations of food and clothing to local
organizations and people.
 We serve in faith through generous giving of our money to help the least,
the last, and the lost.

We are located at 702 E Dixon St in Polo, Illinois

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